Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Faces of the Goddess

For the first time in a long time, I have resumed my quest for knowledge of the ancient mysteries in a very real way.  When I think of the Great Goddess, I think first of meteorite, and I do believe that the sacred stone of the Kaaba is meteorite.

There are a number of sacred stones that were regarded by the ancients as somehow more than ordinary minerals, and in most cases, dedicated to the Gods or Goddess.  The traditional necklace of power for pagan priestesses (which is one of the most ancient symbols or attributes of the Goddess, and one that had to be surrendered to Death at the Gate by Inanna, is made from alternating Jet and Amber.  Both are transformed substances that originally existing on this Earth in a different form.  Amber is the fossilised resin of Trees and Jet is the fossilised form of Coal.

Meteorites are stones that the ancients experienced as attacks from the Gods or as dangerous gifts from the Gods, huge, heavy stones hurled at the Earth from the heavens.  Throughout the world, one can find meteorite metal mixed into warriors' blades and symbols of kingship or priesthood.

Yet, the ancient Egyptians used Basalt.  It is a much softer medium, of course, kind to the carver, far easier to move or transport once a statue of a God or Goddess has been fashioned, than an enormous hunk of skystone.

The origin of many Gods is perceived or known by tradition as a Cave.  This is true of the Great Mother, the Goddess Cybele, and this is true of Jesus Christ, born in a 'stable' that actually probably originally was a cave behind an Inn in Bethlehem.  The meaning of the town's name is 'House of Meat' and it is very interesting to read the description of Inanna's descent in the context of the significance of the birthplace of the Christ.

For it was in the Underworld, to which access for the Sumerians always was given through a sort of underground house with steps, that Inanna first surrendered all her attributes and symbols of power and then was hung upon a meathook to be tormented by flies.

Rocks, underground temples, caves, goats, wine, evergreens, sacrifices of manhood or womanhood... dismemberment of gods... all these must be explored.

Today I found a quote about goats:  This is from a book entitled 'The Riddle of the Earth' and focuses too much on the religion of the Hebrews, but even so:

Aaron made images of Golden Calves at Mount Sinai, a Volcano, for the same reason, and Mt. Seir, as the passages show, Goat Mountain, was anotgher volcano.  'Little Goats' is still a term employed by the Spaniards to indicate meteors, and comets or meteors, 'gods that came newly up' were the centre of a cult which as dolmens and cromlechs, pillar stones and round temples of upright stone yield evidence, prevailed throughout Europe, particularly in the British Isles, Brittamy and Normandy and are traced as far afield as America, India, and Japan.'

Hell with it... just add photographs of the text for now:

What interests me here most is the term 'little goats' for use with meteorites.

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