Saturday, January 23, 2021

My Compassion and Infuriating Social Media

We all should know by now there is no right to privacy.  My aide, now essentially homeless, asked me about investments and gold.  I went to Google to show her the current prices of gold bullion.  Let me state clearly now that I have no gold bullion.  I have no savings, and no bullion, but if I were to have any spare change to invest, I would choose bullion over stocks over futures because quite simply gold is beautiful and gold is real.  In fact, the Chinese, always extremely at the top of the curve, savvy as hell, have bern buying gold now from every land on earth.  

So, in this world of the wildly improbable, where my aide has no roof over her head, but is speaking about investments, I did that search on Google for her.

Only an heartbeat later, my Facebook is covered with adverts about coins, coin dealers, and gold.  It is not cool, guys.  First an old friend hacks me, and causes actual significant losses, as well as a total mess where all of my devices are concerned, and now this helpful reminder from Facebook that they have the Eye of Sauron at their disposal.

My compassion is my Achilles Heel.  I basically was hacked because I was compassionate towards the idea of making the bad ending of an old adolescent relationship less hurtful.  Did I pay for that!!!  I went along with my aide’s fantasy about buying gold bullion for herself because I understand her life is really hard, and these fantasies smooth the paths a little.

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