Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Characters of Antoine and Julie

For the novel, portraits of a couple too common in reality to ignore.  

Antoine: Do you really need that fan and second light on when you're in the bathroom?'

Julie: Let's see... i'm in there about 2 minutes.  But I guess... why don't you just follow me about and instruct me on how to become a total asshole?

Julie:  The latest thing is to start every complaint with 'Note:'  Does he EVER listen to himself?

Abusive behaviour is corrosive.  It is eating away at my soul day by day.  I try to ignore his absurdities and his contempt, because I know it really is directed towards himself.  I seldom have known any one who hates himself so much and cannot deal with it in a slightly more positive fashion. He is a real 'kick the dog' personality and the sad part of it is that, as a successful salesman, he was able to conceal this aspect of his personality from me entirely until it was too late.  I met him at the wrong age, the wrong time and the wrong circumstances.  The fact that God decided to allow this man to plant the seed of life in my womb changed everything.  From that point onwards, my life was devoted to my daughter and what I felt would be best for her.  I remembered the nightmare of growing up in a broken home, of having my Mum remarry and the constant power struggle between her and her new 'family unit' and my real father, who spent the last decade of his life living alone in a sad little hotel so that he could stay close to us.

I do not understand how women kill their abusers frankly.  It elevates them to a position they do not deserve.  I would not go to prison for any man or woman. Would you be willing to go to prison for killing a mosquito or cockroach?  Why then would you be willing to ruin your future for an abusive man or woman?

It makes one think of Lou Reed’s album ‘Berlin’.

‘Caroline says as she gets up off the floor,
You can hit me all you want to,
But I don’t love you anymore...

But she’s not afraid to die.’

More about this pair later in the context of an estate item.

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