Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday the 13th

Where can I disembark from this nightmare, and sign up for a new adventure?  This world is filled with lies and deceit, even when it is not intended to harm deliberately.  I guess they order lockdown because no one ever told the truth.  The medical profession is very selective about its facts and its precautions.  There is no consistency.  No one wants to admit he or she may be ill with this virus.  No one tests anything but temperature and yet the twenty questions include gastro-intestinal upsets, and symptoms associated with the common cold and ‘flu.  What the hell does asymptomatic actually mean when the definition embraces every symptom known not only to humans but animal kind?

People are not even in sync on any level, whether solidarity in terms of family or community.  Very little open discussion it appears.  Things are more on the order of: this is what I am doing.  Take it or leave it.

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